
Is the death penalty effective in preventing serious criminal offenses?

Dear Laureate Folks, Today, we will talk about the “ Capital Punishments And Its Types .” I am partially in favor of capital punishment due to some logical arguments explained later on in this discussion. First of all, we should know that there are mainly three classifications of serious criminal offenses that are: Infraction (Violation of Law and prevented through a penalty) 2.       Misdemeanors (Serious than infraction and punishable in a local country jail) 3.       Felonies (It is one of the most serious crimes that result in capital punishment) So, only felonies come under the definition of capital punishment that includes crimes like murder, kidnapping, rape, terrorism, and burglary, etc. due to the severity of this crime, the criminals deserve capital punishment which includes lifetime imprisonment or a penalty of death. Point to Ponder: There should be life imprisonment instead of the death penalty. Logical ...

Affects of Coronavirus and Role of Healthcare Industry of Pakistan on changing behaviors of Society.

Dear Laureate Folks, Good Day! We all know that COVID-19 has become one of the most burning issues having adverse effects on our minds. It is the only virus and disease in history that have changed our way of livings. It has disgraced the lives of humans and recall everyone to surrender themselves before God ( One and Only ).  Today, I will try to highlight its effects during and after its peak and the critical role of the medical industry on the changing behaviors of society. This discussion will be mostly based on my observation and you know that observation is also an authentic source of knowledge. The role of media will also be taken into consideration. Let's get Writings, It is to be certain that it is originated from China due to the brutally killing of a wild animal. That in reaction, that creator of God exhausted this virus. That then slowly and steadily spread in all other countries. As in its beginning, no one knows that this virus came into existence unless severe and a...

Why Pakistan is important?

Dear Laureate Folks, I wish you all a wonderful day ahead 💖 You might people have more knowledge than me about the said topic. I write because I wish to write as maximum as I can before I met my God. To claim or justify my life given as a gift that I did something in my jurisdiction. Well! Every one of us will be answerable before God in our next life. Your written and spoken things also witness your right contribution in this world. You may get inspiration or may call me a joker; whatever, but this is my mission of life. Now coming to the point that why our country is important to the world. Let's get Writings in bulleted form? Okay 👌 1. Pakistan is the only Muslim state blessed with Automic Power. 2. It's a very small and developing country thus having tremendous business opportunities for foreign investments and ventures. 3. It is now free from terrorism due to the end of the Afganistan war imposed by the USA on one of our neighbors. 4. It has a long tail of the Himalay...

Albert Einstein was a Special Person?

Dear Laureate Folks, Did you know? Albert Einstein , the famous theoretical physicist was also a special person ? Do you want to know? Let's start knowing it. He was German-born and the most influential Scientist who developed the theory of relativity that is known as the two pillars of physics. He has also got a noble prize in it. Everyone knows his influence on the philosophy of science. In his biography, he was diagnosed with dyslexia; a brain disorder where he was having difficulty in reading, communicating, interpreting the words and symbols due to loss of communication between his brain cells. Moreover, he didn't speak till the age of 7; having low performance in college, and even didn't graduate at the age of 20 due to a learning disability. But soon after 6 years, he has explored the theory of relativity and get famous in the whole world. Is,n it amazing to know? This is all! Regards, Muhammad Naeem ❤️

Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler [20 April 1889- 30 April 1945 (aged 56)]

Dear Laureate Folks, Good Day! Today, we will talk about the most famous military and political leader of Germany Mr. Adolf Hitler (German politician and leader of the Nazi Party). You will come to know about the reality of Adolf Hitler since his birth to death in a very concise manner.   Let’s Start, Birth of Adolf Hitler He was born on April 20, 1989, in Braunauam Inn which was a small town in Austria Hungry (Austria). That town was closer to the border of the German Empire. He was the fourth child of Mr. Alois Hitler Sr. (1837–1903) who was also an illegitimate child of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. Thus Adolf has taken his surname “Hitler” from his father which means “a person who lives in a hut”. Hitler wanted to become a painter in his early childhood but his fate taken him to join the military as a non-ranked soldier in World War 1 after he moved to Germany in 1913. Later on, he became a military leader of the German army. He was born Catholic and his father was...

Welcome to the Competition

Dear Laureate Folks, I hope you will be fine ☺️. Today's topic is very interesting to read. Yes, it is about " Welcome to the Competition ". Stay cool and let's start to explore it? Right, here we are ..... We have seen that as the population of the world is increasing, it is drastically opening more opportunities. The more we are equipped with modern knowledge and skills, the more we are becoming competitive. And it is to be very right sayings that the world belongs to those who are more skillful and updated with new knowledge. You are known and exists because of your skills and there is no identity for non-skill persons. You die but your skills remained alive (if you have transformed it into others).  Whether you are a businessman, employee, self-employed, a student, or a professional; you are better known for the word " competition ". At first glance, we ever wished to be a monopolist. A monopoly is achieved only when you have gone through the Competitio...

Flag of Pakistan (History and Facts)

Dear Laureate Folks, Today we will discuss the history of flags , Symbolism , Importance , and uniqueness . Then we will come to know the history and facts of the Flag of Pakistan. Are you ready to read? Let,s Start, It is to be known that the national flag of any country symbolizes its identity and uniqueness from other countries originated as a military standard. It represents a symbol of pride, self-reliance, honor, dignity, patriotism, nationalism, origin, and the notion that every country-owned it's land (proclaim a possession) and people (proclaim sovereignty) having the same race, culture, religious beliefs, values, language, society, currency, and history, etc. Every national flag has a specific meaning through the core selection of colors and symbols. Historically, its origin starts in the 17 th and late 18 th century when flags started to be displayed. Like, the US flag was first adopted in 1777 as a naval ensign and later on began to be displayed as a symbol af...