Affects of Coronavirus and Role of Healthcare Industry of Pakistan on changing behaviors of Society.

Dear Laureate Folks,

Good Day!

We all know that COVID-19 has become one of the most burning issues having adverse effects on our minds. It is the only virus and disease in history that have changed our way of livings. It has disgraced the lives of humans and recall everyone to surrender themselves before God ( One and Only ). 

Today, I will try to highlight its effects during and after its peak and the critical role of the medical industry on the changing behaviors of society. This discussion will be mostly based on my observation and you know that observation is also an authentic source of knowledge. The role of media will also be taken into consideration.

Let's get Writings,

It is to be certain that it is originated from China due to the brutally killing of a wild animal. That in reaction, that creator of God exhausted this virus. That then slowly and steadily spread in all other countries. As in its beginning, no one knows that this virus came into existence unless severe and almost the same cases are being shown first in China and then in other countries. Everyone gets scared of it and then you know the blame game has started as no one Country owns this virus origin. Whatsoever, it takes hype in the media and became the talk of the town. The political leadership like the USA has also faced its worse effects and started taking measures to prevent this disease. This was the very new and unique virus that spread through touch, air, and breath of one human to another. This was well researched but the vaccination of it demanded to take time. Though scientists took time to research more on it and that there were hundreds and thousands of cases of death that started to happen. Businesses, markets, shopping malls, trade, Education and even traveling within and outside the country are banned through the complete lockdown. We have been restricted in our own homes. On the other side, media at the start guided the public but after continuous and repeated talks every day, it started scaring everyone especially the old people who went into severe depression and anxiety.

It became the voice that this virus mostly targets the old persons that's why mostly death cases came from this age level. What a virus that was that did no discrimination at all. Either it's poor or rich, young or old, religious or irreligious, sacred or evil, everyone has equally faced it. This might be the justice of our God to show us that he exists and his anger is the same for everyone. In a nutshell, these were the effects of this virus.

Coming to the healthcare industry, at the start, no doubt that doctors have played a vital role in taking care of affected persons. But they no longer did that because of the hype and curiosity of this virus and hitting them the same. Later, when it prolongs more than 6 months, they are intentionally putting even a normal case to corona cases. As a result, we have stopped ourselves for a check-up to any hospital just because of this situation. Every one of us loves a lot to their lives and wants to live a long and healthy life. Currently, we are informed that the second wave has come but who cares now?

Now the behavior of the society is altogether changed as there is also a limit of depression. Now it is to be understood that there was nothing like this virus rather it's just political propaganda to reduce the population of the world especially starts from old age persons or might some other hidden plans and stories too. This might be true that this virus exists but people don't do any more precautionary measures. It's now become a routine matter. People most often said that only the citizens of most developed countries are affected due to their sensitivities. While people from developing and underdeveloped countries are already used to face flu and influenza that's they speedily recover from it. So many people so many talks. Whom to believe and whom not to believe?

Friends, we have studied the real effects of coronavirus, the critical role of the medical industry and doctors, and the changing knowledgeable behavior of the Society. What happens next is still uncertain. What we should do is hope for the best.

It is our faith that health and illness are only from our God as Life and death are only in his hands. We should start to worship our God and be thankful to him in every situation. We should pray to forgive our sins and show us the righteous path. The path of Prophets, pious people, and their followers. Aameen!

This is all about today's discussion.

Best Regards,

Muhammad Naeem


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