Albert Einstein was a Special Person?

Dear Laureate Folks,

Did you know? Albert Einstein, the famous theoretical physicist was also a special person?

Do you want to know? Let's start knowing it.

He was German-born and the most influential Scientist who developed the theory of relativity that is known as the two pillars of physics. He has also got a noble prize in it. Everyone knows his influence on the philosophy of science.

In his biography, he was diagnosed with dyslexia; a brain disorder where he was having difficulty in reading, communicating, interpreting the words and symbols due to loss of communication between his brain cells.

Moreover, he didn't speak till the age of 7; having low performance in college, and even didn't graduate at the age of 20 due to a learning disability. But soon after 6 years, he has explored the theory of relativity and get famous in the whole world.

Is,n it amazing to know?

This is all!


Muhammad Naeem ❤️


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