Welcome to the Competition

Dear Laureate Folks,

I hope you will be fine ☺️.

Today's topic is very interesting to read. Yes, it is about " Welcome to the Competition ".
Stay cool and let's start to explore it?

Right, here we are .....

We have seen that as the population of the world is increasing, it is drastically opening more opportunities. The more we are equipped with modern knowledge and skills, the more we are becoming competitive. And it is to be very right sayings that the world belongs to those who are more skillful and updated with new knowledge. You are known and exists because of your skills and there is no identity for non-skill persons. You die but your skills remained alive (if you have transformed it into others). 

Whether you are a businessman, employee, self-employed, a student, or a professional; you are better known for the word " competition ". At first glance, we ever wished to be a monopolist. A monopoly is achieved only when you have gone through the Competition where you have not only achieved but also sustained competitive advantage (s). If you dream off to be the only one standing on your business ideas, you are simply living in your self-created world and far away from reality. Point to be noted. Hence, for your survival and growth, there must be a Competition. We should not worry about it rather welcome it. Why?

Your business growth, your target market, your segmentation reach, your profitability, and your sustainability is solely depending on increasing your competition. How? At least, you will not be the only one doing the same things again and again, you will learn from others, you can motivate yourself to produce better output than others, the more you know, the better you can grow. Your targets will be increased, you will have to come out from your comfort zone, you will take risks, you will do experiments, and much more. Once you are done with this, you will either succeed or be more experienced. Your mistakes will never be your failures rather these were the small stepping stones for your greater success ahead. Success is not that you are the best, success is what you have added doubled in your knowledge and skillsets.

We should embrace and welcome the people doing the same like us. We should meet them, we should walk together, we should learn from each other; after all, our goals, purposes, mission, and vision are the same. We are working on the same passion. Today, our audiences are more knowledgeable and mature. They can better decide our struggles and commitments. They better know whether to stay with us or move to others. You should never underestimate anyone because God has gifted different powers to every human. "Brainstorming" is only created through a diversified group of people, think about it. Walking together is far better than walking alone.

Friends, we have learned that we should not feel insecure from our competitors rather we should welcome them. We should prefer common purposes over individual ones.

I have tried to explain the logical reasoning in favor of the said topic. It is to be expected that there will be some learning to the readers. The game of Chess has just begun.

That's all about today's discussion session.

Thank You!

Stay Cool; Stay Happy.🙏


Muhammad Naeem❤️


  1. A very concise and brief article written on the basis of my experience.


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