Why Pakistan is important?

Dear Laureate Folks,

I wish you all a wonderful day ahead 💖

You might people have more knowledge than me about the said topic. I write because I wish to write as maximum as I can before I met my God. To claim or justify my life given as a gift that I did something in my jurisdiction. Well! Every one of us will be answerable before God in our next life. Your written and spoken things also witness your right contribution in this world. You may get inspiration or may call me a joker; whatever, but this is my mission of life.

Now coming to the point that why our country is important to the world.

Let's get Writings in bulleted form? Okay 👌

1. Pakistan is the only Muslim state blessed with Automic Power.

2. It's a very small and developing country thus having tremendous business opportunities for foreign investments and ventures.

3. It is now free from terrorism due to the end of the Afganistan war imposed by the USA on one of our neighbors.

4. It has a long tail of the Himalayas enriches with beauty and nature. Hence, most attractive for tourists. K2 and Nanga Parbat Mountains are also included.

5. It's having ideal geography in between China, India, Middle East, Afganistan, and other " tan states". 

6. Our future belongs to China and we are having CPEC projects with this rising superpower. Where we both needs each other.

7. Since western models or outdated even irrelevant to us, that's why we need to adopt the models of China to be on the list of most developed countries in the world Inshallah.

8. Our Education system is now becoming very competitive according to the international standards that are the only way to succeed and prosper.

9. We are being the Muslim Leaders are the defender of Mecca and Madina; our religious sites ever.

10. There are so many natural resources and historical places that can easily strengthen our economy.

11. Luckily, we have found a charismatic leader " Imran Khan" having the vision to bring peace, prosperity, safety, equality, and justice for all of us. We all know that he is struggling for Digital and Green Pakistan. Inshallah!

We can write more, but these points are self-explanatory and logically enough to grab the attention of the world.

Yes! We exist.

Long Live Pakistan!


Muhammad Naeem ❤️


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