Is the death penalty effective in preventing serious criminal offenses?

Dear Laureate Folks,

Today, we will talk about the “Capital Punishments And Its Types.”

I am partially in favor of capital punishment due to some logical arguments explained later on in this discussion.

First of all, we should know that there are mainly three classifications of serious criminal offenses that are:

Infraction (Violation of Law and prevented through a penalty)

2.      Misdemeanors (Serious than infraction and punishable in a local country jail)

3.      Felonies (It is one of the most serious crimes that result in capital punishment)

So, only felonies come under the definition of capital punishment that includes crimes like murder, kidnapping, rape, terrorism, and burglary, etc. due to the severity of this crime, the criminals deserve capital punishment which includes lifetime imprisonment or a penalty of death.

Point to Ponder: There should be life imprisonment instead of the death penalty.

Logical Reasoning:

·         Though Felonies are the most serious nature of crimes and the only way to prevent the criminals from such crimes is to announce the death penalty. Because this is the only way you can control or at least minimize these serious kinds of crimes. But on the other side, if the criminals agree to pay for a penalty in terms of decided finance to the families of those directly affected by them (according to the court of law) then there will be no penalty of death but sentenced for a lifetime imprisonment.

·         In the case of terrorism where criminals are involved in the killing of so many innocent lives then there must be a death penalty or vice versa. It is another debate.

Hence, we can not only prevent criminal offenses but also compensating the aggrieved persons.

Thanks & Regards,

Muhammad Naeem


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