Flag of Pakistan (History and Facts)

Dear Laureate Folks, Today we will discuss the history of flags , Symbolism , Importance , and uniqueness . Then we will come to know the history and facts of the Flag of Pakistan. Are you ready to read? Let,s Start, It is to be known that the national flag of any country symbolizes its identity and uniqueness from other countries originated as a military standard. It represents a symbol of pride, self-reliance, honor, dignity, patriotism, nationalism, origin, and the notion that every country-owned it's land (proclaim a possession) and people (proclaim sovereignty) having the same race, culture, religious beliefs, values, language, society, currency, and history, etc. Every national flag has a specific meaning through the core selection of colors and symbols. Historically, its origin starts in the 17 th and late 18 th century when flags started to be displayed. Like, the US flag was first adopted in 1777 as a naval ensign and later on began to be displayed as a symbol af...