Behavior of Social Media

Dear Laureate Folks,

Do you know the actual behavior of Social Media?

Let's Start,

Today, social media has become one of the fast-growing and most powerful networks all around the globe 🌎. We are unfortunately entered into an ICT based Virtual World where your voice travels most frequently from one corner to another. Where color, race, nationality, Language, Religion, culture, and other demographic factors are almost going to emerge. The usage of the internet on Android phones is being increased drastically. Social networking platform is getting more attention where everyone is interested in networking with the people diversified in their field and regardless of anything else.

It's the interaction of human with other humans that made possible through technology. And it's getting more and more with the speed as time travels. Humans Turing into robots and addicted to much of information communication technology. Most online businesses are now heavily dependent on social media. They are taking the social media platforms as an effective medium of advertising and promotion. They are no more asking other media platforms other than social media.

Why because here the behavior of Social Media platform and it's results or outcomes are different than others. Your message and voice reached the whole world very frequently. Social Media has made the whole world as your target market. Where you can easily reach to your target audience and successful in placing your voice.

We would say that social media has now become a new Society; the global and digital society. Where the behavior of people and Social Media is running side by side. You should not take social media for fun only but actually as a serious matter of concern. Because you are letting others know about your privacy and thoughts. Your every click is being recorded and stored on machines and to be used for business and other social purposes.

I usually prefer four social media platforms:

1. Facebook ( Mostly used for social networking ).
2. LinkedIn ( Specialized in Professional networking ).
3. Twitter ( A platform-specific for Political Leaders ).
4. YouTube ( A Social TV channel ).


Today, we have learned that we should take social media as an effective platform for advertising and promotion.

Remember, use it intelligently.


Muhammad Naeem


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