Imran Khan VS Benjamin Netanyahu

Dear Laureate Folks,

Today,s topic is very important and informative.

It's about the political strength of not only between the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the Prime Minister of Israel but also between two nations including two religions; Islam ( The only Last Religion ) and Judaism ( The oldest religion ).

Imran Khan came into power in July 2018 as a Prime Minister of Pakistan while Benjamin Netanyahu is a Prime Minister of Israel since 2009. There were many rumors about the religious beliefs of Imran Khan not only within the nation but also politicized by the world's most superpower countries. But, all has been sent into the dustbin and proven wrong with time. These were just because of exploiting the personal life of PM Khan through a well planned political propaganda originated in Israel first and then thrown everywhere. Why, because the government of Benjamin Netanyahu knew that if that person came into power, he will become the most powerful political personality with the support of those countries who are under it's a flag. Yes, the United Kingdom, the People's Republic of China, Russia, and many of their other associated political allies. ( Still, no one is dear to us during the political walk on the road except our own nation and country first ) While talking about the Muslim Leaders, they were already supposed to be with him. It's nothing but a game of snowball.....

Does everyone know who strengthens Israel and the motives behind it? Of course! to play this country, s political leadership on the front door to get control of the whole of the world. The destructive mind power never wins the race because there is always a twist that can change the political game. Yes, the superpower God ( The one and only ) have better plans and strategies against the plans of those trying to become more influential than our creator. There is no doubt that Israel has also become an automatic power; having the strongest economy in the world. Before the reigns of Khan, Their political mind power was only confronted with the leadership of Turkey and victimized many others too.

Khan the name of patience, an intelligent empower with unlimited stamina, a very careful selection, and overall the choice of the Nation. The Man who has stated with bravery not to recognize Israel. There are a lot more wisdom and political foresight behind these standing words. Why? One of the reasons is that even knowing that Israel is in daydreaming to destroy Pakistan to take full control of all Muslim Nations. The other is to keep shedding blood and war over Philistines and Kashmir; our Muslim brotherhood and even innocent humans.

Having political and religious enemies is very common to find, to be under threat of Pakistan,s automatic power and armed forces is rare to find. In the field of battles, your economy left behind and the voices of automatic missiles roar out and will decide the existence of none. You better understand what it means to...

Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu might be the best in 2009 but who knows it will become worse after the rise of Khan? It is to be predicted that the international establishment now looking for another leadership of Israel to let him play against Khan and Erdogan. Who knows what will happen next? As all the hidden secrets only belong to our God. The ONE, Who has taken the control of justice and peace on earth.

It was all just the opinion of a common man who is destined for nothing but peace, prosperity, justice, and equality in every corner of the world. To emphasize nothing but the importance and responsibility of humans, the best creations of our creator. One should have religious freedom but not having intentions to impose his beliefs on others or always having dreams to be known as superstitious over other humans.

Call for justice and peace everywhere to everyone wherever you are.

That's all!

Stay Tuned; Stay Blessed.


Muhammad Naeem

Laureate Folks



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