Vladimir Putin vs Donald Trump

Dear Laureate Folks,

Today, we will discuss the psychological differences between President Vladimir Putin and President Donald J. Trump.

We all know that the USA is the leading superpower in all fields mainly education, technology, sciences, economy, medical, businesses, currency, armed forces, and modern technological weapons, etc. It is now ruling its global politics all over the world. On the other hand, Russia is another superpower competing with the USA in almost all fields. This country is having an edge on its technological weapons, boosting its economy, leaders in medical and life sciences, and having the largest land in the world. They are only lacking in their value of the currency in comparison with dollars.

Now talking about the psychological differences between President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin: President Trump always tries to influence/enforce its political decisions over President Putin but every time he has been knocked out. Because President Putin thinks himself the most influential and dynamic leader of the world. The main allies of President Putin are the Muslim world also including China while having trade partnerships in other non-Muslim countries too. While President Trump has strong ties with France; another superpower along with the diplomatic political support of England and Germany.

Both of the political personalities keep confronting each other where sometimes one either accepts or standing decline. Overall, it is understood that the Russian President has charismatic leadership traits that are taking his reputation higher and higher not only within the country but also in the rest part of the world. While the ranking of the President of America is getting lower and lower day by day not only before its own people but across from his country.

To increase the value of currencies over or equal to the US dollars is not a day and night mission and even not possible by only one country, s political leadership. How this can be possible? will be discussed in the upcoming articles.

Having political differences between the leaders is very common to find. The only thing matter is once you are having the power, how can you create a balance in the world and be responsible for its existence. Whosoever is responsible also responsible to bring justice everywhere through his political foresight.


We have learned that even having political or psychological differences still we should keep moving and struggling for peace on earth.

Stay Tuned, Stay Blessed.


Muhammad Naeem


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