Sample Doctorate Research Proposal (Agriculture Plant Biotechnology)
Identification of
Resistance Genes in Wheat Breeding Lines through Marker Assisted Breeding
1 Dr. Sana Zulfiqar 2 Dr.
Muhammad Naeem
Laureate Folks International
WhatsApp: +923334446261
The development
of resilient wheat varieties to biotic and abiotic stresses is the most
economical, practical, and sustainable method for attaining sustainable
production in wheat. The deployment of conventional and traditional breeding
approaches for the selection, development, and breeding of resistant varieties
of wheat has been hampered by the complex nature of the genome of wheat, the interaction between genotypes and environment has compromised the reliability
of breeding programs. The recent introduction of using molecular markers for the
selection of the best wheat plants has made it possible to accelerate the
breeding progress by design. Till now, efficient control measures either
through the application of the pesticide or by using genetic engineering
approaches do not exist. Partial success has been achieved through the
application of chemicals. In the present project, the genetic variability for
resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses will be identified. These molecular
markers will be used in breeding programs for developing the most resistant varieties
of wheat which can offer resistance against all types of constraints hampering
wheat production around the globe.
Words: Resistance, Molecular Markers, Biotic Stress,
Abiotic Stress, Genes, Tritium aestivum
Research Questions
a. Identification of resistance genes in wheat
b. Use of molecular markers or DNA markers for identification of
resistance genes
c. Screening of wheat breeding lines against multiple stresses
d. Selection of wheat breeding lines resistant against biotic and biotic
stresses for use in future crop improvement programs
Development of molecular
markers against resistance genes
Screening of breeding lines of
wheat with molecular markers
Identification of resistance
genes in wheat breeding lines
Identification and
characterization of resistant breeding lines
Deployment of resistant wheat
breeding lines for making crosses
Use of these resistance genes
for developing resilient wheat lines
Motivation of the Research:
Agriculture is the
backbone of the economy of many countries including South and East Asian countries.
Especially the livelihood of poor farming communities in developing countries
is dependent upon the agriculture sector. Wheat is the staple crop of many
countries around the globe; however, the production of wheat is hampered by many
biotic and abiotic stresses. For mitigating these constraints such as diseases,
insects, drought, etc. in wheat production, breeding and development of resilient
cultivars of wheat are the basic and stable approaches for providing economical as
well as user-friendly options for the farming sector around the world. There are
several conventional and traditional approaches adopted for mitigating biotic
and abiotic stresses such as the use of pesticides, insecticides, chemicals,
modification of sowing dates, etc. However, these approaches have some
constraints as well. For instance, continuous use of insecticides and
pesticides results in insecticide resistance in crops ----further applications
of insecticide have no effects on crop, in addition, application of
insecticides/pesticides is not an environment-friendly strategy. Moreover, with
changing climatic conditions new strains of pests and insects are evolving
continuously, a breeding line resistance at one time may become susceptible at
a later stage. Hence, there must be some reliable and stable approach for
controlling these constraints in wheat yield.
Therefore, the use
of molecular markers for the identification of resistance genes and then the deployment
of these resistance genes for the development and breeding of resistant wheat
cultivars is an effective strategy. The basic theme and idea lying behind the
current proposal is the identification of resistance genes by designing
molecular markers against known or unknown resistance genes present in the wheat
genome or among wheat breeding lines. This study will demonstrate the efficiency
of the use of molecular markers for the identification of resistance genes—hence
the information generated through identified regions of resistance using
molecular markers would be extremely beneficial for the plant breeders at a global scale for breeding resistance wheat cultivars. Furthermore, breeding
lines conferring resistance to biotic as well abiotic constraints will be
identified. These breeding lines will be shared with farmers, breeders for use
in varietal development programs. Thus, the current study will generate genetic
knowledge, beneficial breeding and genetic material, and human resource power.
Contribution of Research
In the current
proposed study, genetic resources of wheat such as wheat breeding lines would
be explored and exploited for controlling and mitigating the negative impacts
on wheat yield resulting due to diseases and insects attack and other
abiotic stresses such as drought, temperature, etc. As agriculture is the
backbone of the economy of many countries including Turkey, the farming communities
are facing heavy losses in production. In the present study wheat breeding
lines will be explored for the identification of resistance genes ---these genes
will be deployed for developing resilient wheat lines that will reduce the
negative impacts on yield and production. By using these resistant breeding
lines, farmers and plant breeders can overcome production losses and ultimately
strengthen their economy by harvesting high yields in wheat. Hence, the target
beneficiaries will be the wheat cultivating farmers, wheat producers, especially
those facing extremely high yield losses due to the exposure of wheat crops to
many biotic and abiotic constraints.
The resistant
wheat breeding lines identified in this study will be bred into locally
cultivated and adapted lines of wheat. Then after stabilization and selection
of crosses, the stable lines will be multiplied by conducting multi-location
field trials all over Turkey. Afterward, the seed of these lines will be
provided to the local farmers and breeders. Moreover, molecular markers used in
the present project will further be exploited for the identification of resistance
genes in other genetic resources including wild germplasm, cultivated
varieties, mutant liens, and crosses. Thus, the present research project will contribute
to the development of future crop improvement and breeding strategies for mitigating
biotic as well as biotic constraints---will pave the way for developing high-yielding
varieties to benefit the agriculture sector, farming community as well as the economy
in Turkey.
The use of
molecular markers for the identification of resistance genes is the most effective
approach. The resistant regions identified through the exploitation of molecular
markers will be exploited for utilization in crop improvement and breeding
programs. Furthermore, these regions would be explored for genetic variations
present among wheat germplasm via high throughput sequencing platforms and
cutting-edge technologies. Sequencing of resistance regions identified through
molecular markers will pave the way for exploring the basic genetic variation
by designing single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) or competitive allele-specific markers (KASP). Hence, the present study will provide insight into the
genetic variability present among wheat breeding lines.
Wheat (Triticum aestivum), stands among the
essential cereal crops around the world. It is grown in every geological region
from the equator to arctic regions and 35% population of the world use it as a
staple crop, which fulfills the basic dietary and nutrition requirements of the
whole population (Tehseen et al., 2021). Wheat is a prime source
of starch, it is also enriched with vitamins, protein, and dietary fibers which
are required for keeping the nutritional level of human beings at a normal pace
(Shewry and Hey, 2015; Joye, 2020). The current and future growth of the population
demands enhancements in the production of wheat due to the devastating effects
resulting because of changing climate (Mansour
et al., 2017; Hickey et al., 2019; Khadka et al., 2020). Thus, for
feeding a huge number of people with nutritive food at a sustainable rate,
there is a dire need to improve and enhance wheat production by deploying
effective strategies (Adrees et al., 2020; Nawaz
and Chung, 2020).
Sustainable supply of
food is a prime agenda for both developing as well as developed countries in
the world. Although, many of the nations have struggled for attaining
independence and self-sufficiency in staple crops including wheat, however,
there are still many challenges that are hampering the production and
productivity of agriculture. Changing climate (extreme temperature, water
scarcity, epidemics of disease) has imposed severe effects constituting several
biotic and abiotic stresses on agriculture in many regions of the world. Among
all the challenges farmers are facing, biotic stresses like disease epidemic in
plants are a continuous menace and are expected to increase with changing
climate conditions posing detrimental effects---ultimately leading to the
reduction in the food supply as well as a significant increase in malnutrition
(Gregory et al., 2009). In the case of the wheat crop, losses resulting due to
pathogen attacks are estimated to be 5 million tons per annum basis.
efforts are being done at the global scale for the genetic improvement of wheat,
however, production of wheat is still stagnant as further improvements are
hampered by several biotic (smut, rust, powdery mildew, etc.) as well as abiotic
constraints (heat, water deficit, extreme cold during the cropping season,
etc.). There are various causal organisms for biotic as well as abiotic
stresses. Several plant pathogens damage plants and cause severe disease
epidemics---among these rust epidemics are most challenging around the world
(Beddow et al., 2015). There are three kinds of rust disease such as black
rust, brown rust, and yellow rust. The rust disease resulting due to several
pathogens can easily be controlled by adopting chemical treatments, but the
fungicide application is expensive and also causes environmental hazards. Thus,
the deployment of resistant genes combinations is an effective approach for
controlling rust epidemics.
There are two
types of resistance mechanisms in plants adopted for combating the pathogen attack.
Various strategies have been adopted for achieving durable resistance against
rust epidemics. There are two types of resistance in plants----adult plant
resistance (effective only at maturity) and all stage resistance which is
effective from seedling stage till maturity of the plant. Both types of
resistance are combined for attaining durable resistance against pathogens.
Different types of resistance genes control these mechanisms (Mundt, 2018).
Therefore, it is inevitable to identify and screen these resistance genes so
that they may be further deployed in crop improvement programs.
The level of
resistance of any plant/cultivar/variety is assessed and monitored at field
scale generally. The infection of a pathogen is evaluated based upon the
phenotype of the plant which is the result of the pathogen and wheat plant
interaction. This plant and pathogen interaction is however influenced by the surrounding
environment as well as by the variation present among the population of
pathogens. In addition, the expression of a gene controlling a particular pathogen is
also influenced by changes in climatic conditions such as extreme temperatures.
Hence, changing weather not only influences the pathogen’s population but also
disturbs the expression level of resistance genes. The expression of resistance
genes could be complex under natural field conditions. Therefore, for the
identification of resistance genes, screening with the help of molecular markers
is essential (Iqbal et al., 2020).
For carrying out
resistance breeding in wheat, the molecular markers are effectively used for
screening germplasm and breeding lines. With the advancements in new
technologies, molecular markers have become an essential breeding tool for
stacking resistance genes. Molecular markers closely associated with resistance
genes can be efficiently used to the genotypic constitution of any genotype or
plant. The deployment of molecular markers for screening at the seedling stage
enables a plant breeder to monitor and analyze the genotypic profiles of the
plants before they are involved in further crossing procedures. The implication
and utilization of conventional breeding procedures used for stacking
resistance genes are limited because the expression of resistance genes active
at the adult plant stage is often masked by the genes expressed at seedling and
other growth stages. Hence molecular markers allow the identification and
detection of the resistance genes without the need for any phenotyping
procedures. Furthermore, the identification of resistance genes with the help
of molecular markers is cost and labor-effective and is the most reliable
approach. The wild relatives of wheat as well as their breeding lines serve as a
potential source of resistance genes.
Several DNA
markers including restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), amplified
fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD),
simple sequence repeats (SSRs), single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), etc.
have been used extensively in wheat for assessment of genetic variation and identification
of resistance genes. However, simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are the most
commonly used markers. These SSRs markers are abundant in the whole genome, short
tandem repeats, and exhibit a high rate of polymorphism in comparison with any
other marker system (Miah et al., 2013). In addition, these are co-dominant and
automated. There are various molecular markers (SSRs) designed for carrying out
screening of wheat breeding material. Therefore, the deployment of these molecular
markers for the screening of wheat germplasm enables plant breeders to identify and
breed genetic resistance in wheat germplasm in an effective and precise manner
(Ismail et al., 2021).
The current
project is aiming at screening breeding lines of wheat against resistance.
Various molecular markers will be deployed for screening and identification of
resistance genes in wheat breeding lines. The wheat breeding lines will be
produced and screened for resistance. The molecular markers of known resistance
genes will be designed and used for screening wheat breeding lines.
Plant Material
The breeding
lines of wheat will be screened for identification and characterization of
resistance genes with the help of molecular makers.
Leaf Sample Collection
Fresh leave
samples of wheat breeding lines will be collected from 21-day seedlings of
wheat plants by following standard procedures. Then leaf samples will be stored
at -80 degrees till further processing.
Screening based upon Molecular Markers
the primers for known resistance genes will be designed by using wheat
databases such as Ensemble plants or grain genes. Then these molecular markers
will be amplified on wheat breeding lines for the identification of resistance
regions in the genes.
Extraction of DNA and Quantification of
DNA will be extracted
from the fresh samples of leaves of all wheat breeding lines following the Cetyl
trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) method. Fresh samples of leaves of almost 1
to 2 grams will be ground in liquid nitrogen and the CTAB method
will be used for extracting genomic DNA. Then the extracted genomic DNA will be
dissolved and diluted in 1x TBE buffer and kept at - 20°C for use in a polymerase
chain reaction (PCR). The quantity and quality of genomic DNA will be assessed
using Nano-dropTM 1000 spectrophotometer as well as by running on 0.8 % agarose
gel in a gel electrophoresis system. DNA purity will be estimated from the
ratio of absorbance at 260nm/280nm.
Synthesis of SSR primers and optimization of PCR conditions
The simple
sequence repeats (SSRs) primers related to some traits e.g. aphid and rust
response will be synthesized using sequence information already available in
databases and literature. The optimization of the annealing temperature of
primers is very critical and will be done prior to carrying out PCR. The PCR
will be performed by deploying the PCR kit of Thermo Scientific. The conditions for
PCR will be modified and calibrated using different annealing temperatures, the
number of reaction cycles, and the concentration of the genomic DNA as well as
primers for attaining appropriate amplification results (Table 1). After attaining
the required PCR conditions and amplification, PCR products will be assayed on a high-resolution gel of agarose (2.4 %) using
an automated gel electrophoresis system. Staining of the gels will be performed
using ethidium bromide, and then the gels will be photographed on a GelDoc-It®2
310 Imager. Scoring of molecular markers (SSRs) will be made according
to the presence or absence of bands using the 0 and 1 scoring system.
# |
Reagents |
Quantity/reaction |
1 |
Buffer |
ul |
2 |
Water |
ul |
3 |
dNTP’s |
ul |
4 |
MgCl2 |
ul |
5 |
Primer |
ul |
6 |
Taq polymerase |
ul |
1: PCR conditions used to optimize the annealing temperature
Statistical Analysis
Scoring data of molecular
markers will be compiled in a Micro Soft Excel sheet and analyzed with the help
of appropriate statistical software like STRUCTURE and TASSEL.
Expected Results
By carrying out the proposed study we are hoping to identify and
characterize many molecular markers linked with resistance genes. The wheat
breeding lines expressing resistance expression against any of the biotic as
well as abiotic stresses will be identified and shared with plant breeders for
use in the wheat improvement and breeding programs. The selected markers linked
with resistance could be used for the selection of desirable wheat genotypes. Hence,
a plant breeder can lessen the cost and effort required for carrying out
extensive screening and testing procedures. It will also result in saving the
significant length of time required for developing a wheat variety. Since new molecular
markers will be made available to the wheat breeders for developing new wheat
varieties. The
resultant genetic information about the genetic circuits of resistance as well
as molecular markers will be used for developing resilient wheat varieties. The
newly developed varieties of wheat will be a source of novel genes that are not
present in the currently cultivated varieties of wheat. Thus the newly
developed varieties will be much more equipped for combating the stresses in
selection is efficiently used for developing resistant varieties in many staple
crops including wheat. Molecular markers have been used for breeding resistant
varieties. In the wheat crop, a very high percentage of resistance genes against
both biotic as well as abiotic stresses has been assessed and characterized
with the help of molecular makers. Thus, the deployment of molecular markers
for screening of resistance genes is an efficient strategy for breeding
resistance wheat cultivars. The development of genetic resistance is the most
reliable and economic approach for minimizing yield losses resulting due to
heavy pest attacks (Draz et al., 2015). Although, the extent of production
losses depends upon the relative rate of susceptibility or resistance of a
cultivar towards insect pest attack (Herrera-Foessel et al., 2011). Because of
heavy pest infestations especially rust disease, yield and yield contributing
traits in wheat are badly affected (Abdelbacki et al., 2013; Sallam et al.,
markers or DNA markers have been used as an invaluable tool in plant breeding
programs, including gene identification and marker-assisted selection. One of
the major applications of molecular markers in plant breeding is the
identification and determination of resistance genes. By deploying molecular
markers, resistance genes are identified and utilized in crop improvement
programs. Resistance genes are used in different combinations for imparting resistance
in wheat cultivars. For example, the combination of multiple resistance genes such as Lr9+Lr24,
Lr19+Lr24, Lr19+Lr28, and Lr9+Lr24+Lr28 in winter wheat gave a high level of
resistance, in addition, the combination of seedling resistance genes (e.g.
Lr16, Lr19, Lr21) with adult plant resistance genes (Lr34, Lr46) could be a
good approach to provide durable resistance against leaf rust (Kolmer 2009; Prabhu
et al., 2009; Vanzetti et al., 2011).
In addition, molecular markers
linked to different leaf rust resistance genes such as Lr1, Lr17a, Lr19, Lr21,
Lr24, Lr27, Lr34, Lr35, Lr39, Lr42, Lr46, Lr48, Lr67, etc. have been reported by
some earlier studies (McCallum et al., 2012; Herrera-Foessel et al., 2012;
Dakouri et al., 2013; Imbaby et al., 2014; Abdelbacki et al., 2015; Afridi et
al., 2016; Abouzied et al., 2017). Among all these genes, Lr34 is a slowing
rusting gene that exhibited a high level of resistance under field conditions.
Moreover, four race-specific adult plant resistance genes such as Lr12, Lr13,
Lr35, and Lr37 also gave a good level of resistance against leaf rust in several
field experiments. Likewise, for stem rust resistance, resistance genes such as
Sr-2, Sr13, Sr21, Sr22, Sr28, Sr33, Sr35, Sr40, Sr42, Sr44, Sr45, Sr55, and
Sr56, SrCad were identified with the help of molecular markers (Hiebert et al.,
2010; 2011; Kokhmetov et al., 2011).
There are several reports on the use of
molecular markers for the identification of resistance genes in wheat. Research
work has been carried out on several insects and pests regarding molecular
markers. For leaf rust resistance, more than 80 resistance genes are identified
on a global scale (Aktar-Uz-Zaman et al., 2017). The majority of these genes confer
resistance at the seedling stage only, however, there are also some adult stage
resistance genes. Some of these genes including Lr16, Lr22a, Lr14a, Lr34, and Lr21 are also cloned (Krattinger et al., 2009;
et al., 2017).
Hence, cloning of genes helps in designing molecular markers more
efficiently and accurately. Among the above-mentioned genes, two genes named Lr22a and Lr21 show resistance against all types of leaf rusts (McCallum
al., 2016). Likewise, molecular markers have been efficiently utilized for
screening against stem rust races in wheat germplasm. Recently three genes, Sr42, SrTmp, and
SrCad have been identified (Lopez-Vera et al.,
2014; Hiebert et al., 2016). Moreover, two molecular markers have been
designed for identifying resistance against loose smut caused by ustilago tritici in wheat. The SSR
markers are available for the Ut6 gene (Kassa
et al., 2014) as well as KASP makers are also being developed (Kassa
et al., 2015). Both these markers are effective in conferring resistance
against two strains of loose smut. There are some molecular markers developed
for bunt resistance in wheat (Singh et al., 2016; Zou
et al., 2017). In addition, a severe disease-causing huge
economic losses by affecting yield and quality components in the wheat crop is
fusarium head blight. Several genes have been reported for resistance however,
its resistance mechanism is quite complex (Comeau et al., 2011).
a result of recent advancements in molecular marker and sequencing
technologies, the number of mapped resistant genes is increasing very rapidly.
Breeding programs aiming at selection and prioritization of genes confront a
basic research question---which gene or combination of genes should be utilized
for providing durable resistance against rapidly evolving pathogens? Many
research scientists argue that an accurate and refined classification of
resistance genes is required for answering the above question. .
It is validated by many plant breeders and molecular biotechnologists working on
wheat that, a combination of many minor (conferring resistance at adult plant
stage), as well as major genes (showing resistance at the seedling stage), should be
adopted for optimization of both---durability and level of resistance in any
wheat variety. By adopting this approach, all types of resistance mechanisms
can be explored in a defined fashion. Finally, identified resistance genes via
molecular makers can be further introgressed into the locally adapted and
cultivated varieties of wheat through conventional breeding tools or by
designing and targeting molecular markers. Thus, newly screened wheat breeding
lines will pave the way for getting insight into the genetic circuits of
several resistance mechanisms. Moreover, identification of genes involved in
resistance against multiple biotic as well as abiotic constraints would become
more convenient.
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