
What are the Genres of Writing?

 Dear Laureate Folks, Today, we discuss the Genres of Writing . Let,s Start, There are primarily two genres of writing; Fiction and Non-Fiction . What is Fiction Writing? It is made up of imaginations, self-created stories, day-dreaming where you usually got the ideas through your observation or inspired by reality contents. You simply write by using your sixth sense like vision, touch, hearing, taste, and smell.  Fiction writing includes the followings: 1. Poetry like the sonnet, eulogy, Haiko, Blank Verse, Limerick, Tank, Cinquain, Epic couplet History, narratives, and Meters, etc. 2. Listicles / Fun Writing (Slogans, Taglines, Gingles, Song Writing) 3. Drama (Realistic Characteristics, Imaginations, Develop Characters, Research Literary Archetypes) 4. Novels 5. Science Fiction 6. Real Fiction 7. Myopia Mythology 8. Climate Fiction 9. Comedy Fiction (K rule, Rule of three, Comparison Joke, Funny Anecdotes, memes, jokes, Cliche & Extremities) 10. Slapstick Comedy 11. Creative Dil

How your Words are Precious?

Dear Laureate Folks, Let's get Writing! Do you know your every written word is very precious? How? Let's discuss, Either you are casual or a professional writer who used to write things on any social media platform, the selection of your words directly portrays the psychology of your hidden thoughts. Do you agree? Yes, it is because you write those things that come from your unconscious mind. Your writings are your thought process, your behavior, your attitude, and your mindset. You hold it in your subconscious and expose it to others once written publically. It means you let the public know about your thinking and stance on any event either it is to be a political, social, societal, Professional, casual or religious, etc. It's not a bad practice at all to express your opinions to others because it's your social right. Now, what is most important is the selection of your words and thoughts that should be ethical and acceptable or even inclusive. The way you write either

Behavior of Social Media

Dear Laureate Folks, Do you know the actual behavior of Social Media? Let's Start, Today, social media has become one of the fast-growing and most powerful networks all around the globe 🌎. We are unfortunately entered into an ICT based Virtual World where your voice travels most frequently from one corner to another. Where color, race, nationality, Language, Religion, culture, and other demographic factors are almost going to emerge. The usage of the internet on Android phones is being increased drastically. Social networking platform is getting more attention where everyone is interested in networking with the people diversified in their field and regardless of anything else. It's the interaction of human with other humans that made possible through technology. And it's getting more and more with the speed as time travels. Humans Turing into robots and addicted to much of information communication technology. Most online businesses are now heavily dependent on social medi

Why Market Analysis is Important?

Dear Laureate Folks, Let's get Writing! Today, we will briefly talk about why a market analysis is important when you are planning to go global? An entrepreneurial mindset keeps thinking and brainstorming about new digital business ideas that not only be unique but also innovative too. Even if you are going with new or replicating the existing business opportunities, the current market analysis is very important. Because you should have the modern knowledge that how to move digitally to capture the right target market. This will come from market analysis either conducting a survey, test marketing, or through a thorough study of your segmentation and right positioning. Suppose, if there is low or no competition against your business ideas then you should have to create it. How? To flow your ideas everywhere to let others know that this would be also best to do. And Why? because once there will be enough competition then there are brighter chances that your target market will be expa

Introduction to Laureate Folks

Dear Laureate Folks, Following is a brief introduction to Laureate Folks . 1. Management Sciences 2. Social Sciences 3. Humanities and Arts 4. History and Literature 5. Everyday Science and Technology 5. Current Affairs 6. Oriental and Languages Studies 7. Philosophy and Poetry 8. Pakistan Encyclopedia 9. World Encyclopedia 10. Society, Culture and Tourism Studies 11. Nature and Beauty 12. Other General Categories Regards, Muhammad Naeem Founder Laureate Folks Pakistan

Darkness under the Enlightenment

Dear Laureate Folks, Good Day 💞 ! Do you know what is the actual sense of " Darkness under the Enlightenment "? Here we go... It's an Urdu Language proverb " Chirag Talay Andhaira ", It refers to that state when we are having enough knowledge but unable to benefitting persons closer to us. Philosophically, once we are enlightened with pious knowledge, we should start sharing and transform it into our surroundings. Hence, we are doing our job well that will not only be rewarded in this world but the hereafter. Inshallah! Regards, Author and Writer Muhammad Naeem A Special Person ❤️ Lahore Pakistan

Imran Khan VS Benjamin Netanyahu

Dear Laureate Folks, Today,s topic is very important and informative. It's about the political strength of not only between the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the Prime Minister of Israel but also between two nations including two religions; Islam ( The only Last Religion ) and Judaism ( The oldest religion ). Imran Khan came into power in July 2018 as a Prime Minister of Pakistan while Benjamin Netanyahu is a Prime Minister of Israel since 2009. There were many rumors about the religious beliefs of Imran Khan not only within the nation but also politicized by the world's most superpower countries. But, all has been sent into the dustbin and proven wrong with time. These were just because of exploiting the personal life of PM Khan through a well planned political propaganda originated in Israel first and then thrown everywhere. Why, because the government of Benjamin Netanyahu knew that if that person came into power, he will become the most powerful political personality wit