The Psychosocial Factors That Impact Mental Health With Reference To Pakistan

 The Psychosocial Factors That Impact Mental Health With Reference To Pakistan

1 Wajiha Malik 2 Dr. Muhammad Naeem

1 MS, Clinical Psychology, BNU

2 Laureate Folks International

ERC, PAKISTAN, WhatsApp: +923334446261


            Health is an important factor that plays a part in a person’s life. Health in terms of physical or mental, it affects us in many ways. It has a dual connection as when we are healthy by physically our mind works at best and when we are healthy by mind, then our body works more efficiently. So it’s a kind of dual connection which we say that Mind-Body Duaism. Every healthy soul needs some food to grow and for nourishment. So, for the human body, the important food is its own mental health capacity. It refreshes the mind and in return, the body becomes more productive. The environment plays a very important role in our lives. As in the world of high conflicts and negativity, everyone is dealing with some mental health issues. Mental illness has been the dim mystery of families and social orders. For a person to concede to it caused public disgrace. Many people are now struggling to cope with stress. At long last, there are moves afoot to redress this neglect. People who are concerned with mental health cannot ignore social determinants because therein lies the prospect of improving mental health and preventing mental illness. Damaging properties on fully-grown mental illness initiate with hostile primary life practices and how social determinants can take the role in leading us towards stress. In the world of globalization, we see that the rate of unemployment, poverty, income inequality, violence, sexual abuse, kidnapping increased. In Pakistan, a developing country, every fourth person is suffering from mental health challenges. Mental illness is still a taboo in Pakistani Society. People are hardly aware of the mental issues they face and they spend their whole lives in this bubble, and never try to come out of this bubble. In Pakistani culture, people are not are of accepting the existence of mental illnesses. Domestic violence runs everywhere in society, and traumatic events are an important factor that contributes to the development of mental health challenges. Health care systems are responsible for sorting out these issues differently in distinct countries. Pakistan is an emerging nation and has been unsteady both truly and monetarily. Its economy has been antagonistically influenced by chronicled threats, conflictual issues, and wars (Blood, 1995).

The main purpose of the study is to show the connection between mental health and its social determinants, including social support, loneliness, work environment, poverty, and domestic violence. For this aim, the study was conducted to identify that how these factors contribute to society and affect our mental health.

Key Words: Mental health, psycho-social determinants, poverty, domestic violence, work environment, Pakistan.

1.1  Mental Health

Keyes (2012) expressed psychological wellness is a mix of passionate (enthusiastic prosperity alludes to the acknowledgment of prosperity), (social prosperity alludes to the compelling working of an individual locally), and mental prosperity (mental prosperity alludes to compelling individual working).

1.2 Domestic Violence

            Social standards in Pakistan have given the spouse outright command over his significant other, especially among the less instructed and those living in country regions, giving him the right of social or aggressive behavior at home (Ayyub, 2000).

1.3  Social Support

Social help is particularly noteworthy for great physical and emotional wellness. Specialists have investigated the manners by which social help might upgrade mental and actual wellbeing. Social help is related to the beginning and backslides of sorrow, negative treatment reaction to dysthymia, irregularity of the mindset problem, and the presence of discouragement.

1.4 Hypothesis Development

·         There will be a significant connection between mental health and poverty

·         There will be a significant connection between mental health and domestic violence.

·         There will be a significant connection between mental health and social support.

1.5 Research objectives

The current study has the following objectives.

·         To identify the association between mental health and social support.

·         To analyze the effect of poverty on mental health.

·         To see the role of domestic violence in increasing mental health problems.


Social support, poverty, domestic violence is independent variables while mental health is a dependent variable.


            This section outlines the background detailed evidence on the complications of mental well-being difficulties and related issues within the Pakistani community. It provides the relevant literature and highlights the existing gaps within the research. It also offers a strong groundwork for the discussion of the conclusions.

2.1 Socioeconomic status

Socioeconomic status is an aggregate sociological and monetary proportion of an individual or family's financial and social position comparative with others, in light of profit, instruction, and occupation. An investigation by Hudson.s (2005) suggested a powerful sign that socioeconomic status has a straight affect on the growth of psychological health difficulties.

2.2 Social support

            Social support plays an important part in the personality development of every individual. People feel more confident and accomplished when they have strong connections and bonds with others in the community. Research conducted by Rasmi (2012) elicited that lack of warmth and social support from others contribute to the development of depression, negativity, anxiety, and other related mental health illness.

            Another research conducted by Kausar and Kazmi (2011) describes that the lack of relationships with others at a societal level impacts our overall sense of well-being.

Research by Zimmerman, (2012) elicited that low socialization affects our self-esteem. And poor self-esteem in turn serves as a risk factor for mental health issues. Self-esteem has an extensive impact on equally bodily and psychological health, and consequently must be measured as a vital focus in health elevation.

Another study by Dale (2000), shows that approval from friends and family in the form of social support in areas of importance are the essential determinants of mental health. Unconditional support especially from parents during the development phase is vital. The individual with positive self-esteem scores low on mental health issues. Low self-esteem leads towards negative, self-worth and hopelessness which are the clear signs and symptoms of depression that in a result affect a person’s mental health.

Exact investigations show confidence is a significant mental variable contributing to personal satisfaction, actual wellbeing, and psychological well-being for all people, yet for college understudies, it is a critical component (Evans, 2007). A few investigations have shown emotional prosperity altogether connects with confidence, and high confidence shares a huge fluctuation in both satisfaction and mental prosperity among college understudies (Zimmerman, 1999).

2.3 Domestic violence

            Research by Lareau and Annette (2003) suggested that low pay have been demonstrated to be a solid indicator of the scope of physical and emotional well-being issues, because of social and ecological condition. Casual links among socioeconomic status and physical health and mental health. Chronic weakness and poor emotional well-being can diminish procuring potential, through their consequences for training and work openings, while neediness might prompt more unfortunate actual wellbeing, lower instructive achievement, and psychological wellness issues (Case & Deaton, 2009).

Hudson.s (2005) research gives solid proof that financial status straightforwardly affects the improvement of psychological well-being issues as in a roundabout way through its relationship with unfavorable social and monetary conditions among the lower pay group. Emotional wellness is a fundamental mental component concerning human turn of events and behavior. Emile Durkheim (1951) accentuated the job of the social climate on paces of self-destruction.

            Abusive behavior at home as the incomparability taken advantage of by one grown-up seeing someone control another isn't just a contention; however, the victimizer utilizes physical and sexual viciousness, passionate offenses, and financial disavowal against women. It is a worldwide issue, which is pervasive all through countries, financial classes, societies, and races.

            Explicit to the Pakistani setting, the distinguished danger factors related to abusive behavior at home against ladies were; ladies' low training and low strengthening, miss ideas of Islamic reflections and standard standards, for example, defending honor killing, and destitution and the predominant custom of the unnecessary conventional share framework in the society.7 Extra review announced parents in law, insubordination, and contentions with the spouse, husbands' habit, additional conjugal connection, and fruitlessness as hazard variables of aggressive behavior at home.

2.4 Poverty

            The current influx of brutality and hostility in Pakistani society is certainly not a basic peculiarity. Troubling effects of abusive behavior at home are delimited not entirely to authentic injuries, however; add to the infirmity of ladies and powerless mental and enthusiastic prosperity. The youthful are more in danger from destitution-related emotional well-being issues. Pakistan is as of now home to the biggest level of youth in its set of experiences; making it the second most youthful country in South Asia after Afghanistan.

            Poverty straightforwardly impacts how our minds work. To be sure, ebb and flow research distinguishes a connection between destitution and discouraged intellectual improvement in kids and young people. This influences memory, consideration, and critical thinking yet additionally the capacity to adapt to persistent trauma.

            Poor emotional well-being (Tribe, R.2002, Murray, 2006; & Eiseman,1986) experienced by individuals is a basic justification behind more broadly social and clinical issues, including low levels of preparing achievement and work usefulness, helpless local area union, significant degrees of actual chronic sickness, untimely mortality, savagery, and relationship breakdown.

            Individuals, who experience destitution, the particular first thing for the duration of daily existence or with a somewhat long period, are at risk for an enormous gathering of threatening prosperity and developmental outcomes through their life (Lovibond SH et al., 1995). Poverty in adolescence is linked to lesser school achievement; further regrettable intellectual, conduct, and contemplation interrelated outcomes; higher paces of misconduct, burdensome and tension issues; and complex paces of pretty much every mental problem in old age. Neediness in middle age is allied to burdensome issues, uneasiness problems, mental misery, and self-destruction. Poverty impacts psychological wellness over a variety of societal and organic components acting at dissimilar levels, together with people, families, neighborhood networks, and countries.      


The following research model shows the relationship between the variables of the study. There are three independent variables (social support, poverty, and domestic violence) and one dependent variable (mental health).

Figure 1.1:



The study will be a descriptive survey of written articles and books regarding the psychosocial factors on mental health. We will take data from different websites. Many scholars presented their studies and research work on the importance of mental health. Additionally, I will design this study in order to know about public opinions. Questionnaires are always the best way to get information from people around you. For conducting research, the researcher will adopt a specific questionnaire for achieving the objective of the research. The questionnaire will distribute among females randomly. The researcher will take the sample of 100- 150 housewives for conducting research. After data collection, the data will be analyzed on SPSS software. We will perform a reliability test for measuring Cronbach’s alpha values. For checking the relationship, we will use correlation analysis. The survey data will also analyze frequencies, means, and standard deviations.

3.1 Research Design

            It will be a quantitative research design because the researcher aims to investigate the relationship among the independent and dependent variables of the study. In quantitative research methods, correlational analysis is best suited because it gives accurate and consistent results.

3.2 Population and Sampling Procedure

            The target population will be the general population who will be randomly selected for data collection. For this purpose, the researcher will send online google forms to the population by using social media, platforms and collect data from the targeted population. It will help the researcher further to obtain desired results by interpreting the results and analyzing of data.

3.3 Sampling Technique

            The researcher will use the convenience sampling technique which means that the participants are easily and conveniently available. This is one of the easiest sampling techniques. It costs less. It will also save the time of the researcher because data will be obtained from those who are easily available.

3.4 Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis will be online forms that obtain from the individual because the aim of this study is to collect data from the targeted population on an individual basis.

3.5 Sample Size

The sample will be 100-150 participants.

3.6 Data Collection Methods

The researcher will obtain the tool that is used in the previous researches to collect and analyze the data on 5-point Likert Scale.

3.7 Data Collection Procedure

The data will be collected from the housewives having the minimum qualification of Matriculation level of degree and dealing from different forms of stress that affect their mental health.

3.8 Data Analysis Software and Statistical Methods

Data will be analyzed by using SPSS Software. There will be descriptive as well as inferential statistics used to see results. This is the most consistent method to be used for research design.

3.9 Expected Results

The research is expected that the results drawn from the data analysis will be showing the significant relationship between dependent and independent variables of the current study.

3.10 Time Frame to complete Research Thesis

The current research study will take 4-6 months.


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