
Showing posts with the label Imran Khan

Imran Khan VS Benjamin Netanyahu

Dear Laureate Folks, Today,s topic is very important and informative. It's about the political strength of not only between the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the Prime Minister of Israel but also between two nations including two religions; Islam ( The only Last Religion ) and Judaism ( The oldest religion ). Imran Khan came into power in July 2018 as a Prime Minister of Pakistan while Benjamin Netanyahu is a Prime Minister of Israel since 2009. There were many rumors about the religious beliefs of Imran Khan not only within the nation but also politicized by the world's most superpower countries. But, all has been sent into the dustbin and proven wrong with time. These were just because of exploiting the personal life of PM Khan through a well planned political propaganda originated in Israel first and then thrown everywhere. Why, because the government of Benjamin Netanyahu knew that if that person came into power, he will become the most powerful political personality wit