Can We End World Hunger?

World hunger is one the most prominent issue all over the world in most of the unprivileged, underdeveloped, and even some of the developing countries and regions. There are about 8.9% of the overall world population is comprised of almost 690 million people that sleep each night with a hungry stomach. It keeps on rising at a rapid speed since 2014 and if it will be continued with this pace then it will cross 840 million of hunger people by the end of 2030. The question is whether we can end world hunger or not is self-explanatory and most questionable to the world’s leaders and various authorities including the government and a private philanthropist. Though the contribution of WHO, UNESCO, and other global philanthropists is admirable in reducing poverty and hunger mostly in African regions and other sub-Saharan countries. But this is not sufficient enough as the statistics are still showing a rise year by year due to the increasing population. Cannabidiol ( CBD ) and THC oil a...