The literature review outlines three parenting styles and their relationship with the emotional development of adolescents. There is a significant role of parenting in the emotional development of their children as they tend to introduce them to cultural and subcultural rules on their emotions. The present research study is descriptive that describes the role of three parenting styles that are democratic parenting, authoritarian parenting, and permissive parenting. The study further elaborates that which parenting styles have a significant relationship with the emotional development of adolescents. Hence, the study aims to identify the relationship between the parenting styles of parents on the emotional development of adolescents. The target population is 300 students where 70 people have been randomly selected using the cross-sectional approach and simple random sampling technique. The data collection tool is a questionnaire using a 5 point Likert scale. In the end, results showed that there is a significant relationship between the authoritarian parenting style and the positive emotional development of their children.

Keywords: Parenting Style, Emotional Development, Adolescents


1.1 Objective of the Study

The main objective of the study is to describe the relationship between parenting style on the emotional development of adolescents.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

“Is there any role of parenting on the emotional development of adolescents?”


Parenting is defined as the role of parents in guiding, protecting, educating, and disciplining their children according to the existing societal norms till the reach of their maturity. The adolescence period falls in between childhood and adulthood. While emotional development is described as the mental, emotional, social, and physical development of the children during the period of adolescence.

According to Shidiq & Raharjo (2018), at the adolescence stage, children often display certain experiences, emotional turmoil, and a variety of withdraws both at home and in school or from the macro-environment specifically in their circle of friends. Normally, this period is often observed between the ages of 13 to 18 when the children are high school going. This is one of the most difficult times not only for teenagers but also for parents and families. Sary (2015) stated that early adolescence falls between 12-15 years of age. It is at peak point when there is a high emotional and physical growth of children having feelings of longing, love, and desire for the opposite sex (Fellasari, & Lestari, 2017; Yusuf, 2012). The children at this stage have great burning emotions and energy but they have a lack of self-control. They often experience anxiety, insecurity, and worry (Syah & Fitrhia, 2016). Thus, parenting style from parents plays a very important role in proper guidance and emotional development of their children at this stage. Adawiah (2017) argued that there should be frankness between the children and parents to prevent the children from all kinds of negative influences outside of the family environment.

The research study of Fadhilah (2011) suggested that 51% of parents are having a democratic parenting style. In this parenting style, children develop their emotional control, self-confidence, and personal maturity. As Mardatillah (2015) also stated that at this stage, children start developing their abilities and responsible attitude. Fadhilah (2011) also found that there are 30% of parents adopted the authoritarian style while 19% of parents prefer the permissive parenting style.


According to the study conducted by Fellasari & Lestari research (2017), there is a significant relationship between the authoritarian parenting style and emotional development of adolescents while others (democratic and permissive) have less or no relationship with the emotional maturity of children. Therefore, parents must have to provide their appropriate parenting style for the emotional and physical development of their children.



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