What is Mission and Vision

Dear Laureate Folks,

Welcome to everyone!

Once we have acquired the maximum of knowledge through our education and from our work experience; there we come to know why mission and vision are important to us. "Mission" is actually where we are currently standing, what we want to do, and identify the reasoning of our existence. More specifically; to know or giving purpose to your life to be more meaningful for ourselves and for others. None of every human is born without any innovative purpose. Thus, Our job is to first identify our own unique purpose or at least to give a purpose to ourselves and then to walk on it throughout our lives. Conditionally, it must be empowered by a good cause that not only to please yourself but also very dearer to our one and only God. So that we will be having a very successful life ahead after this world end; the place where we will be living forever; of course "The Heaven".

"Vision" is actually backed by our mission that denotes where will be in the future that might be called foresight. Both mission and vision are achievable if you have strong planning, work hard, help others through your wisdom, ideas, and knowledge. Let the gaps be there for others, for your followers to keep walking on the same parameters that left after your life.

It's a very true saying that a person has those things in hands for which he or she has struggled. So make your struggles meaningful and pious reaching towards your aim, goals, and objectives of life. No doubt, life is one of the most beautiful and precious gift bestowed once by our one and only God, so we should not forget how and for whom we spend our lives.

In a crux, we can say that having a mission and vision makes your life perfect in both worlds. We are here to serve humanity and all of the creations by our creator. We should surrender our egos and submit our wills on that way where we are destined to walk; the way of our Prophets and their true followers. Whatever our businesses are; we should keep adding extras to benefit and bring ease in all other's lives.

Live purposely; walk bravely.


Muhammad Naeem


Laureate Folks


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