Identification of Alpha-glucosidase as a potential enzyme for the treatment of diabetes mellitus 2 by In-Silico approach

1. INTRODUCTION Diabetes mellitus is the disease of ineffectual control of blood vessels of glucose. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (Type 2 DM) is a rapidly increasing world health problem referred to as adult-onset diabetes. It is called adult-onset as the patients are diagnosed later in life with this disease. The symptoms appear late making the disease unidentifiable unless around the age of 45. According to Raelic (2016) Type 2 DM is considered to be the disease of middle or older aged people but with the increase of obesity and unhealthy lifestyle Type 2 DM is increasingly being diagnosed at a younger age (Rahelić, 2016) . On the onset of Type 2 DM insulin feedback is diminished and this is called insulin resistance. About 3000 years ago an Egyptian manuscript first discussed insulin resistance. Type 2 DM is a multifactorial disease and develops from the presence of several genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors. In other words, the interaction of different...